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Jamuna swells in Sirajganj

Jamuna river has been swelling again in Sirajganj.
Due to excessive rain in the upstream of the river and India the flow of water has increased in the upstream causing a sudden rise in the water level, reports our Pabna correspondent.
According to Sirajganj Water Development Board, Jamuna has been flowing at 11.13m — 367cm below the danger level — at the Kazipur point this morning.
While, in Sirajganj hard point Jamuna has been flowing 335cm below the danger level this morning.
Sub-Divisional Engineer of Sirajganj WDB Md Nazmul Hossain said the Jamuna started swelling from Friday morning. “The water level will increase one to one-and-a-half metre each at all points of the river in the next three to four days,” Nazmul said.
“Although there is no worry of flooding, the low-lying areas beside the river may get submerged,” he added.
